Map a distribution list to other workspaces
Any dynamic distribution list or shared distribution list created for a workspace can be mapped to (shared with) other workspaces that you have access to. Once a list has been mapped it is still available for sharing with more workspaces as needed.
You can’t map static distribution lists.
Note: You must have the relevant role and associated permissions to map distribution lists.
Important! Mapping a distribution list doesn’t share the contact details of the contacts on the list with the users in the workspaces it’s mapped to. This is important as the contact details may be private.
Map a distribution list
- Ensure that the required workspace is on the Workspace toolbar.
- Hover over the workspace to view the Workspace menu.
- Under Contact Management click Distribution Lists. (If you can’t see it, click More to view more commands.)
The Distribution List page opens. - Select the check box beside the dynamic distribution list or shared distribution list you want to map to other workspaces.
- Click Map Distribution Lists.
A dialog opens. It lists the workspaces you can share the list with. - Select the check box beside the relevant workspaces and click Map.
Tip! Dynamic distribution lists display the word ‘Rule’ in the # column while static distribution lists display the word ‘Shared’ in the Access column.
The list is added to the Distribution List page in the workspaces you selected. Its access type on those pages is Mapped, indicating it has been mapped from a parent workspace.
Any time the distribution list is updated in the parent workspace the changes are reflected in all workspaces it has been mapped to.
Note: You can only edit a mapped distribution list from the parent workspace.

Remove a mapped distribution list from a workspace
You can removed a mapped distribution list from a workspace. The action only removes it from that workspace, not from all other mapped workspaces or the parent workspace.
- Open the Distribution List page in the workspace that the distribution list has been mapped to (shared with).
- Locate the list and in the Actions column click Remove mapping.
- In the message click OK to confirm your action.
Delete a mapped distribution list
You can only delete a mapped distribution list from the workspace where the list was created (that is, the parent workspace).
Warning! When you delete a mapped distribution list it’s also removed from all workspaces it has been mapped to (shared with). As this action may have a large impact on those workspaces ensure that you only delete a list if you know that no other users are relying on it.
- Open the Distribution List page in the workspace where the distribution list was created.
- Locate the list and in the Actions column click Delete.
- In the message click OK to confirm your action.