About the Whispir contact portals

The Whispir Contact Portal module provides users and active contacts with access to your company’s web-based Whispir contact portal. Whispir offers two types of portal: the ‘standard’ web-based contact portal (which is the preferred portal) and Whispir Connect, the web-based app for use on mobile device browsers.

Note: If your company is interested in using the Whispir contact portal contact the Whispir Support Team (support@whispir.com) to discuss enabling the module.

Depending on your company’s preferred implementation, the portals allow users and active contacts to:

  • Review and update their own account details
  • View privately published messages
  • Review and update their subscriptions to distribution lists (for active contacts only)
  • Change their password and their messaging preferences.

See What are users, contacts and active contacts? to understand the difference between users and active contacts.

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